Get ready for the world premiere of DaniMation’s most anticipating animated short film created by the talented @PaytontheAnimator, Isaac and the Firefly Queen at the San Diego International Children’s Film Festival at @ComicCon on July 28th 2024, 12pm – 1pm, Room 9 at the San Diego Convention Center.
A young boy goes out to catch fireflies and finds himself on an unexpected journey! He meets the queen of the fireflies and she sends him on a quest to save her kingdom!
Story and Animation by Payton Hepler
Directed, Edited, and Produced by Dani Bowman
Music by Keaton Bicknell
In addition to Isaac and the Firefly Queen, the film festival will also be screening the FINAL version of “Too Smart to be Trendy” (Written and Directed by Gina and Jake Woodruff) with an introduction by comedian and voice actress Rosie O’ Donnell. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with the filmmakers of both animated short films.
Don’t forget to stop by at Fan Table Mezzanine 13 to meet the filmmakers of the two films, collect fun swag, and so much more!